Temperature Monitoring – ThermIT


Temperature logging and monitoring in laboratories

Measures temperatures in refrigerators and freezers down to -250 ° C

Temperature logging and monitoring

ThermITs digital wireless temperature Sensors are used today in several laboratories because our sensors are completely sealed, and no battery fluid can be added. No moisture can get into the device. The device is molded in food-safe plastic material.

A solution for devices with a temperature range from -30 ° C to + 80 ° C can be handled by ThermITs sustainable solution, which will include a GSM module and (X) number of wireless sensors depending on your needs. The solution is also available with WiFi Modul, which can handle up to 100 sensors

Digital temperature logging starter kit
LOG2GSM module for 8 wired sensors


Low-temperature logging

A solution for devices with a temperature range from -250 ° C to + 250 ° C can also be handled with ThermITs wired sensor solution. A solution consists of up to eight sensors, including a GSM module for uploading data to our servers. A solution that is also available in Relay Edition, which can send information to external CTS systems.

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