Temperature Monitoring – ThermIT


Service and support

Read more about our services & about the benefits
included with the subscription agreement

Customer Service and hotline is included

ThermIT takes pride in serving customers quickly and efficiently, and we are always ready to receive
calls from customers on our phone +45 7026 6662 or our e-mail: helpdesk@thermit.dk

Customer Service and hotline is included into our subscription conditions

See how you are covered with our subscription below.

Subscription covers

ThermIT subscription covers all the marked points in the three blocks below.

There ar no restrictions on our subscription. If the subscription is terminated before the 20th of a month, the subscription will stop after this month.

Special agreements can be arranged for 6 or 12 month periods.

Support& Hotline:

Free access to data



Full-service monitoring for companies
with many outlets

FullService monitoring

Full-service monitoring means that ThermIT monitors all sensors and main modules, and we will call the customer if something is wrong. (The customer can also receive the same notices or warnings by mail and notification).

We will monitor whether all sensors and main modules run optimally, which means that we keep an eye on whether the main modules send data continuously according to set time intervals for data delivery to the server.

We keep an eye on the Sensors sending data according to the main modules’ set-up time interval. At the same time, we also keep an eye on whether sensors go outside a specified temperature range 24/7.

If something goes wrong, we call first or second priority customer telephone numbers, (It is agreed in which time interval in the day we may contact). We will then inform the customer about what is wrong and what needs to be done.

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